Puerto Plata Insurance
Insurance services in Puerto Plata are available through the Dominican social security system, created by law 87-01 on May 9, 2001. Travelers and most foreign residents will be using private insurance, here we explain providers and coverage. Use the Google Translate link below and copy paste the link of the website you need translated from Spanish.
Health Insurance
ARS Humano: One of the most widely used health insurance in the Dominican Republic. You can find them in Puerto Plata, Sosua and other North Coast cities too. It is not the cheapest, but quality is no question when it comes to health services. The page is in English, just copy the link and hit the Google Translate button above.
ARS Humano Providers Index (Search Engine)
ARS Universal: This insurance provider is from the Popular Bank group in Dominican Republic, and has a great reputation and coverage, one of the top three in the market. Their website explains the whole catalog of services they offer, use the translator link to read it in English.
ARS Universal Providers Index (Search Engine)
Mapfre Salud is another serious player in the Dominican Republic insurance market, highly recommended. They offer a wide range of insurance options, including the Dx7, which covers 7 key illnesses we all should be covered for, just in case. The Palic Insurance group merged with Mapfre, so now they’re an even bigger player in the market.
Mapfre ARS Provider Index (Search Engine)
ARS Banreservas belongs to the Dominican Republic State-owned bank, Ban Reservas. It has the trust of the people in the island, backed by the government. It offers a wide range of options for health insurance, as well as other insurance products.
ARS Reservas Providers Index (Search Engine)
ARS Futuro has a large network of providers, and offers plans starting with the basic that covers hospitalization, medication, dental, pregnancy and birth, emergencies, and much more. Take a look in their website and remember to use the Google Translator to read it in English.
These Dominican insurance providers also offer the following types of insurance you might also be considering in The North Coast region of the island, or any other city in the country. Puerto Plata insurance agents will also be listed here so you can find a quick reference.
Auto Insurance
Home Insurance
Life Insurance
Travel Insurance
International Insurance
The Dominican Social Security System
The Dominican Social Security System (SDSS) is organized on the basis of specialization and separation of functions. The management, regulation, financing and supervision correspond exclusively to the State and are inalienable, while the functions of risk management and provision of services will be in charge of public, private or mixed entities duly accredited by the competent public institution. In this sense, the SDSS will be composed of the following entities:
a) The National Social Security Council (CNSS), an autonomous public entity, the highest body of the System;
b) The Social Security Treasury, entity responsible for the collection, distribution and payment of the financial resources of the SDSS, and the administration of the single information system;
c) The Directorate of Information and Defense of the Insured (DIDA), a public agency for orientation, information and defense of the beneficiaries;
d) The Superintendence of Pensions, autonomous public entity supervising the branch;
e) The Superintendency of Occupational Health and Risks, an autonomous public entity supervising the branch;
f) The National Health Insurance (SNS), public and autonomous entity;
g) The Pension Fund Administrators (AFP), of a public, private or mixed nature;
h) The Health Risk Administrators (ARS), public, private or mixed, with or without profit;
i) The Health Service Providers (PSS), public, private or mixed, with or without profit;
j) Public, private or mixed entities, for-profit and non-profit, that carry out complementary social security functions as their main activity.
The system is very well organized, important to understand if you invest in the Dominican Republic or live long term with employees or as an employee. We have added the full list of contacts just after the FAQ below. Links to sources in Spanish are also included at the bottom in case you need to cross reference in our native language. Just click any of the tabs below to expand and show its content.
What is the Dominican Social Security System (SDSS)?
It is a public social protection system created by Law 87-01 enacted on May 9, 2001. Its nature is universal, mandatory, supportive, plural and comprehensive in order to grant constitutional rights to the population; and regulate and develop the reciprocal duties and rights of the State and citizens in relation to financing for the protection of the population against the risks of old age, disability, unemployment due to old age, survival, illness, maternity, childhood and occupational risks. This system brings together, articulates, regulates and supervises all public, private and mixed institutions dedicated to main or complementary Social Security activities in the Dominican Republic.
Who must be registered in the Dominican Social Security System (SDSS)?
All Dominican citizens must be registered; and foreigners legally residing in the country.
What are the member institutions of the SDSS?
- The National Social Security Council (SDSS)
- The Social Security Treasury (ISS)
- The Directorate for Information and Defense of Social Security Affiliates (DIDA)
- The Superintendence of Health and Occupational Risks (SISALRIL)
- The Superintendence of Pensions (SIPEN)
- The Occupational Risk Administrator (ARL)
- The National Health Insurance (SENASA)
- The Pension Fund Administrators (AFP)
- The Health Risk Administrators (ARS)
- The Providers of Health (PSS)
- and public, private or mixed entities with or without profit. That carry out complementary functions of social security.
What is the National Social Security Council (CNSS)?
It is the highest body of the Dominican Social Security System (SDSS). It is in charge of directing and conducting the System, establishing policies and regulating the functioning of its institutions. It guarantees the extension of coverage, defends the beneficiaries and watches over the institutional development, the integrality of the programs and the financial balance of the SDSS.
Other responsibilities include: establishing social security policies aimed at comprehensive protection and the general welfare of the population; ensure the elevation of the levels of equity, solidarity and citizen participation to reduce poverty, promote women, protect children and old age, and preserve the environment. Carry out the necessary studies to extend Social Security protection to citizens and submit the corresponding proposals to the Executive Branch for approval purposes.
Who make up the National Social Security Council (CNSS)?
- The Secretary of State for Labour, who chairs it.
- The Secretary of State for Public Health and Social Assistance, Vice President.
- The Director General of the Dominican Institute of Social Security.
- The Director of the Aid and Housing Institute.
- The Governor of the Central Bank.
- A representative of the Dominican Medical College.
- A representative of the other health professionals and technicians.
- Three employer representatives, chosen by their sectors.
- Three representatives of the workers, chosen by their sectors.
- A representative of the nursing unions.
- A representative of the professionals and technicians, chosen by their sectors.
- A representative of the disabled, indigent and unemployed.
- A representative of the workers of micro enterprises.
What is the Social Security Treasury (TSS)?
Entity responsible for the collection, distribution and payment of the financial resources of the SDSS, and the administration of the Single Information and Collection System (SUIR).
Their functions are:
1) Collect, distribute and allocate SDSS resources
2) Detect delinquency, evasion and avoidance, subdue offenders and collect fines and collections. 3) Propose to the CNSS initiatives to improve information, collection, distribution and payment systems.
4) Submit a monthly report to the CNSS on the financial situation of the SDSS.
The TSS main office is located at: Av. Tiradentes, No. 33, Social Security Tower, Enlargement Naco, Santo Domingo, National District. Central Telephone Number: (809)567-5049 Fax #: (809)567-9252 Website address: www.tss.gov.do E-mail address: info@tss.gov.do
What is the Directorate for Information and Defense of Social Security Affiliates (DIDA)?
It is a technical unit of the National Social Security Council (CNSS) with a defined budget and operational autonomy. It is an instrument of defense and orientation of the members of the SDSS. Is responsible for:
– Promote the Dominican Social Security System (SDSS) and inform members about their rights and duties.
– Receive claims and complaints, as well as process and monitor them until their final resolution. – Advise affiliates on their friendly or contentious appeals, for denial of benefits, through the procedures and appeals established by Law 87-01 and its complementary regulations.
– Carry out studies on the quality and timeliness of the services of the AFPs, the National Health Insurance (SENASA) and the ARS, and disseminate their results, in order to objectively contribute to the member's decision-making.
– Supervise the functioning of the SDSS from the user's point of view.
The main office of the DIDA is located at: Av. Tiradentes, No. 33, Social Security Tower, Ensanche Naco, Santo Domingo, National District; It also has offices in: Azua, Barahona, La Romana, Santiago, San Pedro de Macorís, San Francisco de Macorís and Higüey. Central Telephone No.: (809)472-1900 Fax #: (809)563-3488 Website address: www.dida.gob.do E-mail address: dida@dida.gov.do
http://www.cnss.gob.do Tesorería de la Seguridad Social
http://www.tss.gob.do Superintendencia de Salud y Riesgos Laborales
http://www.sisalril.gov.do/ Dirección de Información y Defensa de los Afiliados
http://www.dida.gob.do Empresa Procesadora de la Base de Datos del Sistema Dominicano de Seguridad Social, Unipago, S. A.
http://www.unipago.com.do SENASA
https://www.arssenasa.gob.do SNS
https://sns.gob.do/ Instituto Dominicano de Prevención y Protección de Riesgos Laborales (IDOPPRIL)
http://idoppril.gob.do/ INABIMA
https://www.inabima.gob.doAFP Crecer
Tel. (809) 688-4040
C/ Porfirio Herrera #29, Torre INICA, 1er piso, Evaristo Morales, 10147, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
https://www.afpcrecer.com.doAFP Popular
Tel. (809) 544-7777
Tel. 1 (809)200-7767 desde el interior sin cargos
Av. Abraham Lincoln #702 Ens. Piantini Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
http://www.afppopular.com.doAFP Reservas
Tel. (809) 960-7000
C/ Max Henríquez Ureña #83, esq. Freddy Prestol Castillo, Plaza Morichal, local 7-A, Ensanche Piantini. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
http://www.afpreservas.comAFP Siembra
Tel. (809) 567-2371
Tel. 1(809)200-2371 desde el interior sin cargos.
Calle Virgilio Díaz Ordóñez, Esq. Gustavo Mejía Ricart, Primer Piso, Edif. Mezzo Tempo, Ens. Evaristo Morales. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. http://www.afpsiembra.comAFP Romana
Tel. (809) 813-2794
Avenida Libertad, La Romana, Rep. Dom.
http://www.afpromana.comAFP Atlántico
Tel. (809) 535-1999
Calle Embajador #65, Plaza Comercial Embajador II, Bella Vista Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
http://www.afpatlantico.com/AFP JMMB
Tel. (809)566-5662
Av. Gustavo Mejía Ricart No. 102, esq. Ave. Abraham Lincoln, Edificio Corporativo 2010 piso 15, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
Resources (Spanish):